Hoje à noite…

Temos finalmente, e após adiamentos sucessivos, previsto um Mega Trivia 🙂

Patrocionado pela SL TRAVEL GALLERY e com o tema dos Descobrimentos, pelas 22.30 vamos todos embarcar para o fundo dos oceanos com o patrocínio das Deusas do Olimpo (a Artemisa e a Afro, claro) que ouvi dizer têm 2000L para distribuir. Aos mais sabidões, claro…

E só para dar o gostinho do que está para vir (podem preparar-se já para um bailarico mais ou menos formal para a próxima semana… )…

E com o patrocínio da Travel e das Afrodite’s relationships, inserindo-se nas semanas arábicas de Portucalis, segue aqui o anúncio e ínicio do caminho. “The path to Love…” e para o templo da Afrodite (ou nestas alturas, será Sherazade?). Exprimentem e vêem que não se irão arrepender. E preparem a roupinha arábica (ou de gala…) para um ballroom dos Deuses para a próxima semana…

Back to Basics… and a wonderful Person

I’ve been having a few doubts about SL and TAGUS. Luckily we have the best of SL to support us on these times. So just went Back to Basics, talked to an olllllld friends on a wonderful scenary (thanks Marga and M2)…and decided to connect all these minds and hearts. And invest a bit more on mine friends group 🙂

Personis : Hi goddess
15:41] Afrodite Ewry: Hello 🙂
15:41] Afrodite Ewry: welcome 🙂
15:41] Personis : thank you
15:41] Personis : we are under the water
15:42] Afrodite Ewry: take a look on this place
15:42] Afrodite Ewry: a new place from some friends
15:42] Afrodite Ewry: stamp exhibition about expo98
15:42] Personis : ok
15:42] Personis : great
15:42] Afrodite Ewry: 🙂

15:45] Personis : very nice place !
15:46] Afrodite Ewry: yes, its great
15:46] Afrodite Ewry: i just saw it too
15:46] Afrodite Ewry: opening today
15:46] Personis : ah
15:46] Personis : a success I hope

15:54] Afrodite Ewry: 🙂
15:54] Afrodite Ewry: so may i ask you why you are still a tagus group member?
15:55] Personis : yes
15:55] Personis : I suppose it is because it s your club…
15:55] Personis : some kind of friendship link
15:56] Afrodite Ewry: 🙂
15:56] Afrodite Ewry: you dont mind receive all this notices, or the chat IM talks?
15:57] Afrodite Ewry: (or you dont receive then..lol)
15:57] Personis : no, it s usual, and so I have info, in case I would like to visit…
15:57] Personis : I receive them
15:58] Afrodite Ewry: 🙂 thats good
15:58] Personis : so I have been to the new Tagus some time
15:58] Afrodite Ewry: so its not a usuless group for you 😉
15:58] Afrodite Ewry: you have? the beach one?
15:58] Personis : not really, although I dont really follow the activities
15:59] Afrodite Ewry: (so many on last months :S)
15:59] Personis : I liked the picture exhibition in the new Tagus
15:59] Personis : Yes I am really impressed by the development of Tagus
15:59] Afrodite Ewry: hum..i think you meant the sea club..that island ended 😦
15:59] Afrodite Ewry: but are moving to another
16:00] Afrodite Ewry: 🙂
16:00] Personis : oh ?
16:00] Personis : ah 🙂
16:00] Afrodite Ewry: well.. i’m asking you cause you know we met more than an year ago
16:00] Personis : SL is always moving
16:00] Personis : 😉 a long time for SL
16:00] Afrodite Ewry: and by this time i created the group…and as there is sometimes a few issues on it
16:01] Afrodite Ewry: i wanted to go “back to basics”
16:01] Personis : I am not really inform on Tagus life…
16:02] Afrodite Ewry: or at least know the opinion of one of the first Tagus friends … that is still on it 😉
16:02] Personis : thank you to consider me like this…
16:02] Afrodite Ewry: yes, but have that connection…you still care 🙂
16:02] Personis : yes, still interested
16:03] Afrodite Ewry: thats the point… many have quit sl, some have quit Tagus
16:03] Personis : SL is like RL
16:03] Afrodite Ewry: but as you said you might not follow it… but still see some interest on it 🙂
16:03] Personis : every one goes its way
16:04] Afrodite Ewry: right…and i’ve been starting to deal with it more often
16:04] Personis : thats right,
16:04] Afrodite Ewry: people come and go… friends quit, others forget
16:04] Personis : yes
16:05] Afrodite Ewry: yould you mind i shared some of our thoughts now on our blog?
16:06] Personis : of course not
16:06] Personis : you mean the talk we have now ?
16:06] Afrodite Ewry: yes
16:06] Personis : there is nothing too private… 🙂
16:07] Afrodite Ewry: yep…i wouldnt share any prvate talks 🙂
16:07] Afrodite Ewry: (like if we had any :P)
16:07] Afrodite Ewry: 😉 thanks for coming and sharing
16:08] Personis : a pleasure

16:14] Afrodite Ewry: 🙂 and you
16:15] Afrodite Ewry: still a traveller, ofr have a bussiness of your own?
16:15] Personis : no, a consumer
16:15] Personis : I am not business man
16:15] Afrodite Ewry: a consumer? thats good 🙂
16:15] Personis : dont really know how to do, and I dont really want to
16:16] Afrodite Ewry: and maybe thats the better aproach
16:16] Afrodite Ewry: i think i try to do all this
16:16] Afrodite Ewry: to make friends happy
16:16] Personis : dont know, I like to create things, but in SL, I dont want to “invest”
16:16] Afrodite Ewry: thats why i always feel that when things go wrong…i fail
16:17] Personis : I know, thats whys I keep the Tagus link
16:17] Afrodite Ewry: 🙂
16:17] Personis : this is the real answer to your question
16:17] Afrodite Ewry: and you see, i’m not a buuilder, a scripter, orhave any sl good skill
16:18] Afrodite Ewry: but i invest here try to make friends happy..much more than me
16:18] Afrodite Ewry: (marga os the oweer of this olace)
16:18] Personis : but you know how to create links intresting people
16:20] Afrodite Ewry: well..maybe thats it
16:22] Afrodite Ewry: maybe I’ll just have to focus on that and continue my everyday work 🙂
16:22] Personis : 🙂
16:23] Personis : I think you have the feeling of what can be done to create a bit of life
16:23] Afrodite Ewry: A bit of life here on SL?
16:24] Personis : on SL, I cant speak about RL
16:24] Afrodite Ewry: sure 🙂
16:24] Afrodite Ewry: but thats right
16:24] Personis : yes on SL for your friends, and around
16:25] Personis : sure you know how to create “nets”
16:25] Afrodite Ewry: on SL our avatars are 0 and 1…what make us life here is our friendshipt and connections
16:25] Personis : and net work
16:25] Personis : yes
16:25] Afrodite Ewry: the heart and mind outside the PC
16:26] Personis : connecting all these minds and hearts
16:26] Afrodite Ewry: 🙂
16:27] Afrodite Ewry: that can make a little difference, right?
16:27] Personis : yes, and another little difference, and another one, etc….
16:28] Personis : Well, I ll have to go Goddess
16:28] Personis : I have been glad to meet you
16:28] Afrodite Ewry: thanks a lot for coming and talking 🙂
16:29] Personis : thanks to take that time
16:29] Personis : see you
16:29] Personis : Bye
16:29] Afrodite Ewry: 🙂 see ya…
16:29] Afrodite Ewry: sweet dreams 🙂
16:29] Personis : thanks

Thanks Personis, to (always) beeing there. Far, but there 🙂

Casamentos e r(ea)lações (marriage and realationships)

Casamento NC

This post was supposed to be one about marriage and relations ships in SL (thats why the photo of a friends marriage 😉 …

But soon, and after others post about sl relationships… i found myself having to write a little more… and different. I thought of what to say…of what I wanted do say… but just wasn’t able to put in on paper (or monitor ;)). Until today… where I found this post.

I know that too many others happens the same. I could give a couple of SL friends with the same questions. But finally I found the questions asked… Remains to know what are the answers.

Kara,  sorry for the copy of some your dillemas … that are dillemas from many of us.

“- Is it wrong to have a relationship in each sl and rl?  

 – What would I tell the love in my rl?  What if the idea was not acceptable to that person?

– Can it truly be considered a sexual relationship if you are hundreds or thousands of miles apart?  

– If it is acceptable and even a wonderful experience to have someone to love in both rl and sl, then where are the boundaries?  

– Can you have two loves in sl? 

– What if your rl love is also in sl? ”

I still have the doubt of what an SL marriage is.  Commitment? Fidelity? Can’t it be obtained on a relationship, without having to marry?

Well… I decided not to marry on SL. But I would love to know the answer for your questions…